
1 Min to Get Answers From Your Data

Complex Technology

Simple Interfaces

A problem that we’ve lived repeatedly is accessing the huge amounts of valuable business data that is unstructured and difficult to search. What we wanted was an answer to an important business question, and needed it now.

Proprietary Autonomous Orchestration

Get Answers

Uninvited has developed a special, semi-autonomous orchestration system - which simply means we can “talk to your data” securely and accurately, while using AI to give you the delightful ability to use natural language (chat) to get the answers you need. It’s so easy our mothers can do it.

Work with us

Instant ROI

Our vision is to harness AI to accelerate your business using your own (and external) data in new ways. By scaling sales, improving marketing reach, or optimizing the product you can hire more people to meet the increased demand. There is gold waiting to be mined right inside your own four walls!

A Trusted Partner

Start Today

Our clients trust us with their precious data. We utilize top security practices, we don't 'feed' your data to a public AI, and we offer an array of secure individual and corporate login options. Find out what Uninvited's proprietary AI can do for your business.

© 2024 - Uninvited LLC